the RCC Board of the Communications Administrations Heads
of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications
(Decision №43/9 of 23.11.2010)
Regulations on the Postal Operators Board of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications
1.General Regulations
1.1. The Postal Operators Board of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (hereinafter - RCC POB) was established on the basis of the Decision of the RCC Board of the Communications Administrations Heads of the RCC №21/19 of June 2-3, 1999.
and in accordance with the RCC Charter.
1.2. RCC POB is the working body of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications and is accountable in its activities to the RCC Board of the CAs Heads
1.3. The RCC POB is guided in its activities by the RCC Charter, decisions of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads, these Regulations and the Rules of the RCC POB.
1.4. The RCC POB considers issues of operational activity of the postal service and takes decisions on them, if necessary, submits materials for consideration at the RCC Board of the CAs Heads. In its work, the RCC POB works closely with the RCC Postal Commission, the RCC Board of the CAs Heads, the RCC Working Bodies and the RCC Executive Committee.
1.5. RCC POB can form Working Groups for various types of activities in the field of postal communications (hereinafter referred to as the WG), which carry out their work in accordance with the RCC Charter and these Regulations.
1.6. The RCC POB makes decisions:
- advisory in matters of postal services;
- of a binding nature regarding the functioning of the RCC POB and its Working Groups.
The taken decisions must not contradict the laws of the states, in which operators - members of the RCC POB carry out their operator functions and must take into account the recommendations of international organizations on postal issues.
1.7. The RCC POB can delegate its representatives to other RCC Working Bodies with the right of an advisory vote, prepare materials and determine speakers for the RCC Board of the CAs Heads on issues within the competence RCC POB.
1.8. The operating procedure of the RCC POB is regulated by the Rules of the RCC POB. The Rules of Procedure of the RCC POB are developed within the RCC Charter, and the regulations of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads, as well as these Regulations and, are approved by the RCC POB.
2.Tasks of the Postal Operators Board
2.1. Organization of interaction in the operation of the postal service.
2.2. Cooperation in the field of the technical policy of postal services, the introduction of advanced technologies.
2.3. Development and implementation of joint investment projects on the development of postal services.
2.4. Organization of interaction on mail transportation issues in interstate directions, including in emergency situations.
2.5. Interaction on the development of existing and the introduction of new postal services and ICT in interstate exchange.
2.6. Organization of joint development of standard regulatory documents of an operational-technical nature (mail transportation rules, instructions operation, etc.).
2.7. Exchange of experience on the formation of tariff policy.
2.8. Coordination of work on the quality management of communication services in accordance with the requirements of the market for services and users. Development of a general policy for the implementation of the quality of services.
2.9. Interaction on issues of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.
2.10. Organization of research projects of mutual interest and funded jointly to develop concepts, guidelines and documents that ensure mutually beneficial development and cooperation.
2.11. Coordination of the main activities of the RCC POB.
2.12. Organization of interaction in matters of ensuring the security of mail networks.
2.13. Participation in the preparation and discussion of the issues at the meetings of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads.
2.14. The development of coordinated positions of the operators-members of the RCC POB on postal issues considered by international organizations.
2.15. Periodically informing the RCC Board of the CAs Heads on the RCC POB work
3.Participation in the RCC Postal Operators Board.
3.1. On a voluntary basis, members of the RCC POB can be postal operators (designated operators) officially appointed by the communications administrations, performing functions and fulfilling the obligations arising from the application of the Acts of the Universal Postal Union. Postal observers of communications administrations having observer status in the RCC, as well as postal operators of other countries, can participate in the work of the RCC SO PS RCC as observers.
3.2. The admission of operators of countries whose communication administrations are RCC members to the RCC POB is carried out by the RCC Board of the CAs Heads on the recommendation of the corresponding RCC CAs, according to the statement of the operator with prior approval RCC POB.
Postal operators who are RCC observers can become the observers of the RCC POB on a voluntary basis upon request.
Reception of postal operators of countries whose communications administrations are not members of the RCC are admitted to the RCC POB according to their statements by the decision of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads with the preliminary approval of the RCC CAs and, as a rule, with the consent of their communications administration
3.3. The participants of the RCC POB can have the status of a full member and observer.
3.4. Postal operators of countries whose communications administrations are full members of the RCC have the status of a full member with a casting vote or observer with an advisory vote.
The choice of status is carried out by the organization that has expressed a desire to become a member of the RCC POB and is coordinated with the communication administration recommending the operator as part of the RCC POB.
3.5. Postal service providers whose communications administrations are RCC observers or are not part of the RCC participants have observer status with an advisory vote.
3.6. A full member of the RCC POB is obliged:
- comply with the requirements of this Regulation;
- take an active part in the work of the RCC POB and its Working Groups;
- respect the rights and legitimate interests of members;
- maintain the authority and unity of the RCC POB;
- timely pay membership dues.
3.7. A full member of the RCC POB has the right:
- to participate in the discussion and resolution of all issues of the activities of the RCC POB;
- propose candidates, elect and be elected to the leadership
SB RCC PS and its Working Groups;
- make suggestions on the formation of the agenda of meetings of the RCC POB, its Working Groups and make messages/reports to them.
3.8. Observers of the RCC POB are entitled to:
- participate in the discussion of issues of the activities of the RCC POB;
- to make proposals on the formation of the agenda of meetings of the RCC POB, its Working Groups and to make messages/reports to them;
- participate in the work of the Working Groups.
3.9. Any member of the RCC POB can withdraw from the RCC POB by sending a notification to the RCC Executive Committee. Upon receipt of such a notice, the RCC Executive Committee shall, on behalf of the Chairperson of the RCC POB, inform all of the RCC POB participants about this. The decision to withdraw from the RCC POB comes into force after the operator has settled all the obligations related to his participation in the work of the RCC POB and approved by the RCC Postal Operators Board.
3.10. In case the operator fails to fulfill obligations to the RCC POB, the Operators Board has the right to apply for assistance to the communication administration, which recommended the operator to the RCC POB.
3.11. If a member of the RCC POB violates its obligations set forth in these Regulations, the question is raised about the suspension of membership or its exclusion from the membership of the RCC POB. The Operators Board, by its decision, may suspend membership for a period of up to two years, determined to restore violated obligations. Otherwise, the issue of exclusion of the operator from the composition of the RCC POB is considered.
3.12. Membership in the RCC POB is not an obstacle to the entry into other communities, unions, associations, as well as joining other agreements.
4.Organization of the RCC Postal Operators Board work
4.1. Meetings of the RCC POB are held as necessary, but at least once a year.
4.2. The Board is chaired by the Chairman of the RCC POB and their deputies, who are nominated from among the full members of the RCC POB and approved by the RCC Board of the CAs Heads for a period of three years.
The functions of the Chairperson RCC POB and his deputies are performed by the heads of organizations from among the full members of the Operators Board.
If the head of the organization, who is at the same time the Chairman of the RCC POB or one of his deputies, is replaced for another reason by another person in his organization, then the newly appointed head of this organization shall act as the Chairman of the RCC POB or his deputy before the deadline for the next election.
4.3. The duties of the Chairman of the RCC POB include:
-resolving issues related to the functioning of the SB RCC Substation;
-preparation and consideration of proposals for discussion at the RCC POB meetings and the RCC Board of the CAs Heads;
-resolving the issues related to participation, the development of internal rules, the preparation of work programs and reports on the activities of the RCC POB;
-approval of documents adopted by the RCC POB, as well as the approval of membership fees to the participants of the RCC POB for the planned year, if necessary, make this decision by correspondence in accordance with the “Regulations on the RCC finances” (paragraph 9) and the “Regulations on the RCC POB” (paragraph 5.1);
-representation on behalf of the RCC POB in the RCC Board of the CAs Heads, RCC Working Bodies and other organizations;
-distribution of duties between his deputies;
-interaction with the RCC Executive Committee on operational issues of the RCC POB.
4.4. The working groups of the RCC POB hold meetings as necessary. The WG is chaired by the WG Chairman elected at the WG meeting for a term of three years and approved by the RCC POB.
4.5. The duties of the WG Chairman include: holding meetings, approving the adopted documents, informing the RCC POB on the current work, submission of the developed proposals for approval by the RCC POB, participation, if necessary, on behalf of the WG in meetings of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and its Working Bodies.
4.6. The current work of the RCC POB and its WG is carried out, as a rule, by correspondence, final decisions are made at meetings of the RCC POB and the WG.
4.7. The RCC Executive Committee carries out organizational work and ensures interaction between members of the RCC POB and its WG, with the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and external organizations on issues falling within the scope of activities of the RCC POB.
5.Financing the activities of the RCC Postal Operators Board
5.1. The financing of the activities of the RCC POB is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the Finances of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications" and the Methodology for calculating the membership fees of the participants of the RCC POB approved by the Decision of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads.
These Regulations may be amended or supplemented by the decision of the RCC Board of the Communications Administrations Heads in the agreement with the RCC POB.