On April 19, 2023, the 54/43rd joint meeting of the RCC Postal Commission, the RCC Postal Operators Board and their Working Groups was held in a hybrid format.
The meeting was opened by Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee.
Welcoming remarks to the participants of the meeting were addressed by the following people:
- Natalia Gordeenko, Chairperson of the Working Group on work with the UPU;
- Svetlana Yurkevich, General Director of Belpochta RUP;
- Fayzullaev Alisher Nasibullaevich, Chairman of the RCC Postal Operators Board;
- Mammadov Novruz Gulu oglu, Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission.
The representatives of the communications administrations took part in the work: Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, Republic of Uzbekistan and full members of the RCC Council of Postal Operators - LLC "Azerpost", CJSC "Haypost", RUP "Belpochta", JSC "Kazpochta", JSC "Kyrgyz Pochtasy", JSC "Russian Post", SUE "Pochtai Tojik", SE "Turkmenpochta", JSC "Uzbekiston Pochtasi" as well as JSC "Marka" and employees of the RCC Executive Committee.
The agenda of the meeting included:
- On the outcome of the S2 session of the Postal Operations Council and UPU Council of Administration (October 17-28, 2022) and on preparations for the S3 session of the Postal Operations Council and UPU Council of Administration (May 1-12, 2023);
- On preparations for the Coordination Meeting with the Regional Unions (Bern, Switzerland, May 10, 2023);
- On preparations for the 2023 UPU Extraordinary Congress;
- On the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the decisions of the 27th UPU Congress and the Abidjan Postal Strategy for 2022-2025;
- On the implementation of the UPU Regional Development Plan 2022-2025 for the Europe and Central Asia region;
- On updating the draft resolution "Strengthening and Development of UPU Cooperation with Regional Unions" and preparations for the 28th UPU Congress;
- Progress of consideration by CIS working bodies of the draft Memorandum on the forms of cooperation of RCC member countries on postal security issues;
- On the implementation of the Agreement of the RCC Communications Administrations on the organization of stamps issuance on the subject of the RCC;
- On the implementation of the Work Plan of the Working Group on development of postal products, electronic commerce and their digitalization (WG on SDPP and EC) for the period 2022-2025;
- On the implementation of the Work Plan of the Working Group on Financial Services for the period 2022-2025;
- On the implementation of the Work Plan of the RCC Postal Security Action Working Group (PSAWG) for the near term;
- Election of leadership to the RCC Working Bodies.
The event took place in a constructive business atmosphere. Following the consideration of the issues on the agenda, relevant decisions were made.
Concluding the meeting the Chairperson of the Working Group on the work with the UPU Natalia Gordeenko thanked the RCC Executive Committee for the high quality preparation of materials and technical support of the Commission's meeting via videoconference.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, thanked the participants for their active participation in the meeting.
The joint meeting was held using the "Zoom platform" application .