On April 11, 2023, the Russian High-Tech Week 2023 opened at Expocentre in Moscow, one of the largest events in Russia and the CIS, uniting several exhibitions, forums and conferences in the field of information and communication technologies, navigation and telematics.
The Week includes the international exhibition of information and communication technologies Svyaz-2023, the international forum Autonet-2023 - a forum of innovative transport technologies, the international navigation forum and congress Sphere, the exposition of navigation systems, technologies and services Navitech-2023, the forums Svyaz-2023 and Russian Software: Effective Solutions for the Digital Economy.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, traditionally visited the "Sviaz-2023" exhibition on its first day together with the members of the RCC Executive Committee.
Within the framework of the exhibition meetings were held, negotiations were held and plans for future cooperation were outlined with representatives of the following organizations: "The Main Center of Special Communications, IskraUralTel JSC, Vestnik Sviazi, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.
A meeting was held between Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, and Ali Asghar Ansari, Deputy Minister for Strategic Planning and Supervision of the Ministry of Communications of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
During the meeting the positive experience of cooperation between the RCC and the Iranian Communications Administration was noted. Both sides unanimously emphasized their intention to continue cooperation in the development of the information society.
Then the staff of the RCC Executive Committee visited the stand of the Iranian company Profile NAK Co. An exchange of views took place with NAK Co.'s Key Account Director Mahmoud Zonuzirad on possible ways of interaction between the Iranian company in the RCC Telecommunications and Infocommunications Operators Board in the field of digital development.
The Sviaz-2023 exhibition widely presents solutions for fixed, cellular, satellite and fiber optic communications, data transmission networks, telecommunications, server and network equipment, broadcasting systems for cable and satellite TV, radio broadcasting, specialized software, information security solutions, virtualization, Internet technologies and services, solutions for e-commerce, IoT Tech; 5G; "smart city"; data transmission networks; telecommunications and network infrastructure; satellite communications; radio communications; mobile
"Russian High Tech Week 2023" runs until April 14.