On 1 March 2023 a Working meeting of the Project Team for works related to searching additional channels to the "Geneva-06" Plan in the 470-694 MHz frequency band in the border areas between RCC member countries as well as other countries party to the "Geneva-06" Agreement (PG DTV) using Zoom platform was held.
The meeting was opened by Andrey Lashkevich, Chairman of the PG DTV, Deputy Head of Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NIIR of the Russian Federation.
The meeting was attended by 26 representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Uzbekistan and the RCC Executive Committee
The meeting considered the following issues:
- On proposals and materials on declarations of interoperability and initial data (applications) submitted by participants of the PG DTV for the eighth iteration of EMC calculations and development of the seventh version of the draft frequency planning within work on search of additional channels for digital television broadcasting in the 470-694 MHz frequency band;
- About the results of the seventh and eighth iteration of EMC calculations and development of the sixth and seventh versions of the frequency planning within the framework of searching additional channels for digital television broadcasting in the frequency band 470-694 MHz of the RCC CAs.
The next PG DTV meeting is scheduled for 11 April 2023.
Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the PG DTV thanked all participants for their active and coordinated work and the RCC Executive Committee for the technical support for the meeting.