On October 11, 2021, the World Leaders Forum was held in an online format.
The event opened with a keynote speech by the Deputy Director General of the Universal Postal Union, Pascal Clivaz, followed by the views and ideas of postal leaders from around the world.
The Forum addressed issues of contemporary challenges and opportunities for postal professionals from around the world.
With the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow and the alarming pace of global warming, the One Ocean, Many Currents Forum focused on sustainable global trade through in-depth discussions and exchange of experiences.
The sessions of the Forum covered the full range of topics related to global trade, economic development and sustainable business, and will present the different perspectives of leaders in the parcel and postal sectors.
Forum of virtual world leaders, which discussed the Post's participation in global trade and economic development and sustainable business.
The one-day event, One Ocean, Many Currents - Promoting Sustainable Global Trade, looked at the alarming pace of global warming and its implications for the international postal sector.
Given the scale of the global postal industry, which employs over 5 million people, it is clear that the postal sector can play a leading role in helping the world fight the ravages of climate change.
The session, “Sustainability — The Biggest Challenge of Our Time,” then addressed climate change and other sustainability issues.
The UPU World Leaders Forum addressed many of the sector's challenges and opportunities. Postal leaders from around the world talked about how they are emerging from the global pandemic and how they plan to remain relevant to their customers in the future.